seat toledo artinya
- seat toledo
- seat: duduk; kerusi; tempat duduk; seat; bokong; kursi;
- toledo: toledo, spain; toledo; spanyol
- seat: duduk; kerusi; tempat duduk; seat; bokong; kursi; mendudukkan; punya tempat duduk; pusat; batuk-sesak napas anak-anak; sofa; buntut; menginstal; jok; tempat; menempatkan; burit; melantik; gelandanga
- ciruelos, toledo: ciruelos
- diocese of toledo: keuskupan toledo
- province of toledo: provinsi toledo; wilayah toledo
- toledo district: distrik toledo
- toledo, cebu: toledo, cebu; kota toledo
- toledo, ohio: toledo, ohio; viewfromthepeak|toledo
- toledo, spain: toledo, spanyol; toledo
- viewfromthepeak|toledo: toledo, ohio
- adjusting seat: tempat duduk yang dapat disetel
- back of seat: sandaran punggung
- back seat: tempat duduk belakang
- ball-seat: dudukan peluru
- Chiptuning Seat Toledo 1.6 TDI CR 105 hp
Chiptuning Mitsubishi Shogun 3.2 DI-D (V80) 170 hp - SENDER UNIT- FUEL TANK SEAT TOLEDO 00-06
KIA SEPHIA , asia topic ,KIA BONGO - 1161 SEAT Toledo (4.MK) Liftback 1254 93 Liftback 4482 2012
1135 Skoda Rapid (3.MK) Liftback 1285 150 Liftback 4483 2012 - Seat Toledo autos - All car specs - CarsoPedia
Audi BMW Chevrolet Citroen Dacia Fiat Ford Honda Hyundai Kia Mazda Mercedes Mitsubishi Nissan Opel Peugeot Renault Seat Skoda Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo - The initial version of the SEAT Toledo (Typ 1L) was launched as a four-door fastback saloon, and its sales career lasted from May 1991 to March 1999.
Versi pertama SEAT Toledo (Typ 1L) diluncurkan dengan bentuk sedan liftback 5 pintu dan dijual tahun 1991 sampai 1999.